Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Z & Z love durian
I’m so happy that my little girl is enjoying her school life again. Three weeks before the school break, she refused to go to school. Every morning, I had a battle with her trying to get her to school.

She would get up and had her bath, but when I put on her school uniform, she would take it off. Or some times, she would runs out from the bathroom and quickly get dressed into shorts and T-shirts. Someday she would pretend to sleep even though I know she was awake.

She kept on giving one excuse after another, and I also rang up the school to find out what happened. It seems she was okay at school and no problem.

So after a long break, all of us talked to her. Syafiq, Amir, and Zaki promised her something if she goes to school. She agreed, but at Sunday night, she was in two minds. One moment she said okay, and the next moment she would be pleading to me that she doesn’t want to go.

On Monday, she tried to use the same tactics like before, but I told her if she didn’t go to school, she can lives with her grandparents in Seremban. After five minutes, she knocked on my door and said that she wanted to go, but with a condition that I send her to school.

When she said that, I quickly get ready before she changed her mind. Within 10 minutes, I was ready. We were 10 minutes late, and everyone was already in the classroom. Someone from her class shouted, “Zara!” and she knew that her classmate missed her. 

I walked her to the door and explained to the teacher why she didn’t come. When I looked inside, she was already playing with her best friend, a boy name Harry. Ah! She doesn’t mix well with the girls but is very good with the boys.

When I called her in the afternoon, she was very excited, and said the school was great, and she can’t wait to go.

Oh! I pray that she will continue to feel excited to go to school like before.

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