Tegak bulu roma Zeila apabila mendengar suara itu. Cepat-cepat dia mandi dan mengambil wudhu. Apabila sudah keluar dari bilik air, Zeila segera mendapatkan ibunya.
“Bu, bu. Ada tak dengar suara memanggil tadi?” tanya Zeila pada ibunya.
“Suara apa? Kat mana?” tanya ibu Zeila
“Tadi masa Zeila mandi, ada terdengar suara sayup-sayup memanggil. Tak tau siapa yang dipanggilnya,” jelas Zeila.
“Tak ada ibu dengar pun. Perasaan Zeila aje ni. Dah, pergi solat supaya perasaan mengarut tu hilang,” suruh ibunya.
Zeila pun pergi ke bilik nya dan terus solat Isha. Selepas solat, Zeila pun membaca Quran sekejap sebelum keluar semula untuk berborak dengan ibunya. Tidak lama itu, ibunya masuk ke dalam untuk tidur. Zeila cuba untuk menonton tv, tetapi fikiran bercelaru mengenang kejadian yang berlaku pada petang ini. Zeila menutup tv dan terus menuju ke biliknya.
Di capainya buku cerita Nora Roberts yang dibawanya bersama untuk dibaca tetapi, tiada konsentrasi. Di tutupnya buku itu dan dia cuba melelapkan matanya. Baru saja dia hendak tidur, tiba-tiba terdengar cakaran dari luar rumahnya. Zeila menutup matanya rapat-rapat ketakutan sambil membaca ayat-ayat Quran. Setelah lebih kurang sepuluh minit, cakaran itu berkurangan dan akhirnya hilang. Zeila terus tertidur.
Tiba-tiba, Zeila terjaga. Terasa macam ada sesuatu yang menghampiri dirinya. Bila di buka matanya, terdapat makhluk putih menuju ke arahnya. Dia cuba bangun dan lari dari makhluk putih itu tetapi badan dan kakinya kaku tak bergerak. Di cubanya menjerit, tiada jeritan yang keluar dari mulutnya. Dia mula panik. Zeila meronta-ronta untuk bangun tapi gagal. Akhirnya Zeila teringat untuk membaca ayat-ayat Quran.
Makhluk berambut putih dan panjang itu terus menghampiri Zeila. Dia seolah olah terbang menuju ke arah Zeila sambil merenung Zeila. Setelah lama memandang Zeila, benda putih itu senyum. Senyuman dan renungan benda putih itu menyeramkan Zeila. Zeila menutup matanya sekuat-kuat hatinya. Di dalam hatinya, dia terus membaca ayat ayat Quran.
“Jangan takut,” kata benda putih itu. “Aku datang nak tengok kau. Kau langgar saudara aku tadi dan kau tak berhenti pun. Kalau saudara aku mati, aku akan ambil kau jadi gantinya,” kata benda putih itu sambil ketawa kuat.
Zeila terus mengiggil ketakutan. Dia terus membaca ayat-ayat Quran.
Benda putih itu kemudian menghulur tangannya dan memegang bahu Zeila. Zeila terus menjerit. Kali ini jeritannya didengari oleh ibu dan ayahnya.
Ibunya yang tidur di bilik sebelah terus bergegas ke bilik Zeila apabila mendengar jeritan Zeila. Di lihatnya Zeila seolah-olah meronta seperti mengelakkan sesuatu.
“Zeila! Zeila!” gerak ibunya.
Zeila membuka matanya dan apabila terpadang wajah ibunya, dia terus memeluk ibunya. Ibunya dapat merasakan degupan jantung Zeila yang kencang itu.
“Kenapa ni?”, tanya ibunya.
“Zeila mimpi ada makhluk putih datang kat Zeila dan memegang bahu Zeila. Zeila ketakutkan dan menjerit. Asalnya suara Zeila tak keluar,” jelas Zeila.
Ibunya memandang Zeila dengan perasaan cemas dan dalam hatinya tertanya-tanya apa yang sudah berlaku.
“Ada apa-apa yang aneh berlaku ke tadi masa dalam perjalanan?” tanya ibu Zeila.
“Tadi masa sampai kat Bukit Putus, Zeila macam terlanggar sesuatu. Bila Zeila tengok kat cermin kereta, tak ada apa-apa pun. Lepas tu, sampai kat Ulu Bendol, ada satu Pakcik tua tahan kereta Zeila. Zeila tak nak berhenti tapi macam kereta Zeila berhenti sendiri. Pak cik tu turun kat kawasan kubur kat Terachi,” terang Zeila pada ibunya.
“Ish! Ish! Ish. Kau ni Zeila tempat-tempat tu kuat penunggunya. Pergi ambil wudhu dan mari kita sembahyang,” ajak ibunya.
Zeila dengan berat hati menuju ke bilik air. Dia masih merasa seram apabila berada di bilik air tu. Dia merasa seolah-olah ada mata yang memandangnya.
Keesokkan harinya, apabila mereka hendak menaikki kereta ke hospital, Zeila terpandang ada sesuatu di keretanya. Secebis kain putih terletak di depan bahagian depan keretanya.
Kain apakah itu? Dari mana datangnya cebisan kain putih itu? Tunggulah sambungan nya….
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rock, Country and Blues
I love music. I may not be talented like those singers or musician but I do know how to appreciate good musics. Music that will bring me joys and also relief me from stress. My music varies and it depends on my mood. So what kind of music do I normally listen to?
Well, I have large collection of musics from the 80's and also rock, country and blues.
My early exposure to rock musics greatly influence my music preferences. I have to thank my brothes who introduce me to rock, country and blues songs.
What kind of songs do I have on my iPod? Besides those listed below, I also have some Malay and Indonesian songs, songs from the 50's and 60's such as Unchained Melody, Stand By Me, Beatles' song and also latest song such as Lenka, James Blunt, Daniel Powter and other. If I wanted to list it here, it going to be long list but among my favorite bands/singers are:
Well, I have large collection of musics from the 80's and also rock, country and blues.

What kind of songs do I have on my iPod? Besides those listed below, I also have some Malay and Indonesian songs, songs from the 50's and 60's such as Unchained Melody, Stand By Me, Beatles' song and also latest song such as Lenka, James Blunt, Daniel Powter and other. If I wanted to list it here, it going to be long list but among my favorite bands/singers are:
- George Thorogood
- Eric Clapton
- Eagle
- Queen
- Pink Floyd
- Lynryd Skynrd
- Blondie
- Glenn Frey
- Bangles
- Moody Blues
- Fleetwood Mac
- Celine Dion
- Jewel
- Caillie Colbat
- Taylor Swift
- Norah Jones
- Shakira (I named my little girl after her)
Since I'm the mood to rock lately, my current playlist is full of rock songs from the 80's.
- New Kid in town - Eagle
- Hotel California - Eagle
- Heartache Tonight - Eagle
- Sunday Girl - Blondie
- Gimme Three Steps - Lynrnryd Skynrd
- Call me the Breeze - Lynryd Skynrd
- I Don't want to Talk about it - Rod Steward
- Sailing -Rod Steward
- One way or Another - Blondie
- One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - George Thorogood
- Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood
- Cocaine - Eric Clapton
- Falling for you - Caillie Colbert
- Rainbow - Caillie Colbert
- Smile - Uncle Kracker
So what kind of music do you listen to. Does it bring joys to you?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ghost Stories - #2
"Alamak! Apa yang aku langgar tadi," kata Zeila sambil memandang ke belakang melalui cermin keretanya. Tiada apa yang di lihatnya di jalan raya.
Zeila terus memecut laju dan apabila berada di puncak Bukit Putus, tiba-tiba keretanya berasa berat.
"Eh! Apa ni," bisik hati Zeila. Dia tidak gugup sebaliknya dia terus membaca ayat-ayat Quran yang di ingati. Selepas beberapa ketika keretanya merasa ringan seperti biasa. Hujan terus turun dan apabila sampai di Ulu Bendul, sebuah kawasan rekreasi, terdapat seorang lelaki tua berdiri di tepi jalan. Pak cik tua itu terus mengangkat tangan menahan kereta Zeila. Zeila tidak berani hendak berhenti tetapi keretanya tiba-tiba merasa berat dan berjalan perlahan. Akhirnya, keretanya berhenti tidak jauh daripada orang tua itu berdiri. Orang tua itu cepat-cepat berjalan menuju kereta Zeila.
Pada mulanya Zeila tidak berani nak membuka pintu kereta itu tetapi bila di pandang muka pak cik tua itu, dia tidak sampai hati. Di bukanya pintu itu dan orang tua itu pun masuk ke dalam kereta.
"Terima kasih nak kerana sudi berhenti. Pakcik nak balik kat Terachi. Pakcik terlepas bas tadi dan puas Pakcik tahan kereta satu pun tak berhenti," kata Pakcik tua tu.
"Tak jadi masaalah Pak Cik. Pak Cik nak kemana tadi?" tanya Zeila.
"Pak Cik nak balik rumah kat Terachi. Anak tau kan?", tanya Pak Cik tua tu lagi. "Tau. Saya nak ke Tanjong Ipoh," kata Zeila.
Sambil Zeila membawa kereta itu, Pak Cik tua tu memandang Zeila sambil bercerita pasal anak-anak dan cucu-cucunya. Zeila hanya mengiyakan sahaja tanpa menambah apa-apa kerana hatinya masih bimbang dengan kejadian tadi. Sesampai di kawasan perkuburan Islam di Terachi, Pak Cik tua tu menyuruh Zeila berhenti.
"Nak, nak berhenti di sini aja. Dah sampai dah rumah Pak Cik. Terima kasih sebab membawa Pakcik," kata Pakcik tua itu.
Zeila memberhentikan keretanya di bahu jalan dan Pak Cik tua itu mengucapkan terima kasih. Zeila terus jalan dan apabila di pandang ke belakang, tiada lagi kelibat orang tua itu. Zeila terus memecut kereta dan sampai di rumahnya. Rumah Zeila terletak antara rumah makcik-makciknya. Di depan Mak Som dan di kanan Mak Jah. Di sebelah kiri pula jalan kecil menuju ke jirat Cina di belakang rumahnya. Zeila mematikan keretanya di pintu dapur rumahnya. Ibunya sudah menunggu di depan pintu.
Apabila di lihatnya Zeila cemas, ibunya bertanya, "Kenapa ni Ila?"
"Tak da apa Bu," kata Zeila sambil cuba mengelakkan dari di soal oleh ibunya.
"Kenapa lambat sampai. Risau ibu di buatnya?", tanya Ibu Ziela.
"Meeting habis lambat dan kat Sg Besi tadi ada accident. Mati orang tu," jelas Zeila pada ibunya.
Zeila terus membawa barang-barang nya masuk ke dalam. Di letaknya beg baju dan komputer di dapur dan menghulur tangan kepada ibunya. Di ciumnya tangan ibunya dan dipeluk ibunya..
"Ayah macam mana Bu?", tanya Zeila sambil membawa begnya kebilik.
"Ada kurangnya. Dah makan?" tanya ibu Zeila.
"Makan sikit je tadi. Nak cepat," jawab Zeila.
"Ibu ada masak lauk kegemaran kau. Goreng sambal sardin, lauk ubi kentang masak kuning dan ikan masin. Pergilah makan dulu," suruh ibu Zeila.
Setelah meletekan barangnya di bilik, Zeila singgah di bilik ayahnya. Kelihatan ayahnya terbaring di atas katil.
"Assalamualaikum ayah. Zeila dah sampai. Ayah apa khabar?," tanya Zeila sambil menghulur tangan kepada ayahnya.
"Walaikumussalam. Beginilah keadaan ayah. Lemah, sakit perut, kepala dan rasa loya-loya," jawab ayahnya lemah. "Dah makan?" tanya ayahnya pula pada Zeila.
"Belum. Nak pergilah ni. Ayah tidurlah dulu," kata Zeila pada ayahnya.
Zeila menuju ke dapur dan di dapati ibunya telah menghidang makanan di meja.
"Tak payah susah-susah ibu," kata Zeila. "Zeila boleh ambil sendiri," katanya lagi.
"Alah takpa. Bukannya susah pun," kata ibu Zeila. Zeila pun duduk di meja.
"Wah! Bestnya! Tak rugi Ila balik malam ni," kata Zeila sambil menyuap makanan.
Setelah selesai makan, Zeila mengemas dan mencuci pinggan. Kemudian dia menuju ke bilik air, yang terletak di luar rumah untuk mandi. Tiba-tiba Zeila terhenti daripada membuka pintu. Dia merasai seperti ada sesuatu yang memerhatinya. Di pandangnya ke dalam, tiada apa di belakangnya. Untuk menghilangkan rasa takutnya, Zeila membaca ayat kursi. Kurang rasa takutnya.Dia melangkah masuk dan sedang dia mandi, terdengar suara sayup-sayup memanggil.
Suara apakah itu? Siapakah yang dipanggil oleh suara itu?
Sila ikuti sambunganya..... To Be Continued.....
Zeila terus memecut laju dan apabila berada di puncak Bukit Putus, tiba-tiba keretanya berasa berat.
"Eh! Apa ni," bisik hati Zeila. Dia tidak gugup sebaliknya dia terus membaca ayat-ayat Quran yang di ingati. Selepas beberapa ketika keretanya merasa ringan seperti biasa. Hujan terus turun dan apabila sampai di Ulu Bendul, sebuah kawasan rekreasi, terdapat seorang lelaki tua berdiri di tepi jalan. Pak cik tua itu terus mengangkat tangan menahan kereta Zeila. Zeila tidak berani hendak berhenti tetapi keretanya tiba-tiba merasa berat dan berjalan perlahan. Akhirnya, keretanya berhenti tidak jauh daripada orang tua itu berdiri. Orang tua itu cepat-cepat berjalan menuju kereta Zeila.
Pada mulanya Zeila tidak berani nak membuka pintu kereta itu tetapi bila di pandang muka pak cik tua itu, dia tidak sampai hati. Di bukanya pintu itu dan orang tua itu pun masuk ke dalam kereta.
"Terima kasih nak kerana sudi berhenti. Pakcik nak balik kat Terachi. Pakcik terlepas bas tadi dan puas Pakcik tahan kereta satu pun tak berhenti," kata Pakcik tua tu.
"Tak jadi masaalah Pak Cik. Pak Cik nak kemana tadi?" tanya Zeila.
"Pak Cik nak balik rumah kat Terachi. Anak tau kan?", tanya Pak Cik tua tu lagi. "Tau. Saya nak ke Tanjong Ipoh," kata Zeila.
Sambil Zeila membawa kereta itu, Pak Cik tua tu memandang Zeila sambil bercerita pasal anak-anak dan cucu-cucunya. Zeila hanya mengiyakan sahaja tanpa menambah apa-apa kerana hatinya masih bimbang dengan kejadian tadi. Sesampai di kawasan perkuburan Islam di Terachi, Pak Cik tua tu menyuruh Zeila berhenti.
"Nak, nak berhenti di sini aja. Dah sampai dah rumah Pak Cik. Terima kasih sebab membawa Pakcik," kata Pakcik tua itu.
Zeila memberhentikan keretanya di bahu jalan dan Pak Cik tua itu mengucapkan terima kasih. Zeila terus jalan dan apabila di pandang ke belakang, tiada lagi kelibat orang tua itu. Zeila terus memecut kereta dan sampai di rumahnya. Rumah Zeila terletak antara rumah makcik-makciknya. Di depan Mak Som dan di kanan Mak Jah. Di sebelah kiri pula jalan kecil menuju ke jirat Cina di belakang rumahnya. Zeila mematikan keretanya di pintu dapur rumahnya. Ibunya sudah menunggu di depan pintu.
Apabila di lihatnya Zeila cemas, ibunya bertanya, "Kenapa ni Ila?"
"Tak da apa Bu," kata Zeila sambil cuba mengelakkan dari di soal oleh ibunya.
"Kenapa lambat sampai. Risau ibu di buatnya?", tanya Ibu Ziela.
"Meeting habis lambat dan kat Sg Besi tadi ada accident. Mati orang tu," jelas Zeila pada ibunya.
Zeila terus membawa barang-barang nya masuk ke dalam. Di letaknya beg baju dan komputer di dapur dan menghulur tangan kepada ibunya. Di ciumnya tangan ibunya dan dipeluk ibunya..
"Ayah macam mana Bu?", tanya Zeila sambil membawa begnya kebilik.
"Ada kurangnya. Dah makan?" tanya ibu Zeila.
"Makan sikit je tadi. Nak cepat," jawab Zeila.
"Ibu ada masak lauk kegemaran kau. Goreng sambal sardin, lauk ubi kentang masak kuning dan ikan masin. Pergilah makan dulu," suruh ibu Zeila.
Setelah meletekan barangnya di bilik, Zeila singgah di bilik ayahnya. Kelihatan ayahnya terbaring di atas katil.
"Assalamualaikum ayah. Zeila dah sampai. Ayah apa khabar?," tanya Zeila sambil menghulur tangan kepada ayahnya.
"Walaikumussalam. Beginilah keadaan ayah. Lemah, sakit perut, kepala dan rasa loya-loya," jawab ayahnya lemah. "Dah makan?" tanya ayahnya pula pada Zeila.
"Belum. Nak pergilah ni. Ayah tidurlah dulu," kata Zeila pada ayahnya.
Zeila menuju ke dapur dan di dapati ibunya telah menghidang makanan di meja.
"Tak payah susah-susah ibu," kata Zeila. "Zeila boleh ambil sendiri," katanya lagi.
"Alah takpa. Bukannya susah pun," kata ibu Zeila. Zeila pun duduk di meja.
"Wah! Bestnya! Tak rugi Ila balik malam ni," kata Zeila sambil menyuap makanan.
Setelah selesai makan, Zeila mengemas dan mencuci pinggan. Kemudian dia menuju ke bilik air, yang terletak di luar rumah untuk mandi. Tiba-tiba Zeila terhenti daripada membuka pintu. Dia merasai seperti ada sesuatu yang memerhatinya. Di pandangnya ke dalam, tiada apa di belakangnya. Untuk menghilangkan rasa takutnya, Zeila membaca ayat kursi. Kurang rasa takutnya.Dia melangkah masuk dan sedang dia mandi, terdengar suara sayup-sayup memanggil.
Suara apakah itu? Siapakah yang dipanggil oleh suara itu?
Sila ikuti sambunganya..... To Be Continued.....
Ghost Stories -#1
Jam telah menunjukkan pukul 6pm dan mesyuarat dengan bossnya masih belum nampak tanda akan berakhir. Zeila gelisah kerana dia hendak balik ke kampungnya di Kuala Pilah malam ini. Dia tidak mahu tiba di kampungnya lewat malam tambahan untuk melalui Bukit Putus, yang gelap, sunyi dan mempunyai penghuni, seorang diri.
Sebaik sahaja mesyuarat berakhir, jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 7 malam. Zeila cepat-cepat menuju ke tempatnya dan berkemas.
"Ah! alang-alang dah pukul 7.10 malam, lebih baik aku sembahyang maghrib dulu sebelum balik," bisik hati Zeila. Selepas siap berkemas, Zeila membawa laptop dan begnya menuju surau.
Selepas maghrib, Zeila pun menuju ke keretanya yang terletak di bahagian bawah bangunan pejabatnya. Tiba-tiba dia merasa seperti ada orang memerhatinya. Dia memandang sekelilingnya dan hanya kuching hitam saja yang kelihatan memandang Zeila. Zeila cepat-cepat berjalan ke keretanya sambil memicit kunci keretanya. Berkali-kali di picitnya penggera kunci kereta Toyota Viosnya tapi pintu tak terbuka. Dia mula panik. Apabila sampai di keretanya baru pintu kereta boleh di buka. Zeila cepat-cepat masuk dan menghidupkan keretanya.
Sesampai di rumah, Zeila menyaling pakaiannya dan memasukkan barang-barang yang hendak dibawa balik ke kampung ke dalam kereta. Kawan serumahnya, Alin menegur Zeila, "Eh! Ingatkan kau dah balik?"
"Belum lagi. Boss aku panggil meeting last minute dan habis pukul 7 tadi. Kalau aku tak janji dengan mak aku, aku tak jadi balik," kata Zeila.
"Call aje mak kau. Cakap yang kau tak boleh balik malam ni," kata Alin pada Zeila.
"Tak bolehlah. Bapa aku sakit jadi aku janji nak bawa dia ke hospital esok pagi. Itu sebab aku kena balik malam ni juga. Oklah. Aku balik dulu. Assalamualaikum," kata Zeila.
"Walaikumusalam. Hati-hati di jalan raya. Jangan jadi speed demon pulak. Kirim salam pada mak dan ayah kau ya," pesan Alin pada Zeila.
Zeila pun menuju ke arah Seremban. Jalan tak adalah sibuk memandangkan ianya sudah pukul lapan malam. Sesampai di Tol Sg Besi, Zeila lihat berderet-deret kereta.
" Apa pulak ni. Dalam aku nak cepat, ada-ada aje," sungut Zeila seorang diri. Kereta tak bergerak selama satu jam dan apabila jalanraya reda, Zeila lihat ada kemalangan maut berlaku.
"Oh! Accident. Patutlah," kata Zeila sambil menjeling kawasan kemalangan. Dia terus memecut laju menuju ke arah Seremban dan pada ketika itu, jam telah menunjukkan pukul 9 malam. Zeila terus memasukki laluan ke Senawang dan apabila keluar dari Senawang menuju ke Kuala Pilah, hujan renyai-renyai mula turun.
Dalam perjalanan menuju ke Kuala Pilah, tiba-tiba Zeila merasa kurang sedap. Di bukanya lagu sekuat hatinya untuk mengurang rasa kurang senang itu. Apabila menghampiri Bukit Putus, Zeila terbau bau yang wangi.
"Oh! Bau apa tu," bisik hati Zeila. Sedang dia memberanikan hatinya untuk melalui Bukit Putus, tiba-tiba kelihat satu kelibat putih lalu di depannya. Zeila terlanggar benda putih itu. Dia tidak berani nak berhenti dan terus memandu.
Apakah kesudahan cerita ini? Jangan lupa sambungan nya
To Be Continued....
Sebaik sahaja mesyuarat berakhir, jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 7 malam. Zeila cepat-cepat menuju ke tempatnya dan berkemas.
"Ah! alang-alang dah pukul 7.10 malam, lebih baik aku sembahyang maghrib dulu sebelum balik," bisik hati Zeila. Selepas siap berkemas, Zeila membawa laptop dan begnya menuju surau.
Selepas maghrib, Zeila pun menuju ke keretanya yang terletak di bahagian bawah bangunan pejabatnya. Tiba-tiba dia merasa seperti ada orang memerhatinya. Dia memandang sekelilingnya dan hanya kuching hitam saja yang kelihatan memandang Zeila. Zeila cepat-cepat berjalan ke keretanya sambil memicit kunci keretanya. Berkali-kali di picitnya penggera kunci kereta Toyota Viosnya tapi pintu tak terbuka. Dia mula panik. Apabila sampai di keretanya baru pintu kereta boleh di buka. Zeila cepat-cepat masuk dan menghidupkan keretanya.
Sesampai di rumah, Zeila menyaling pakaiannya dan memasukkan barang-barang yang hendak dibawa balik ke kampung ke dalam kereta. Kawan serumahnya, Alin menegur Zeila, "Eh! Ingatkan kau dah balik?"
"Belum lagi. Boss aku panggil meeting last minute dan habis pukul 7 tadi. Kalau aku tak janji dengan mak aku, aku tak jadi balik," kata Zeila.
"Call aje mak kau. Cakap yang kau tak boleh balik malam ni," kata Alin pada Zeila.
"Tak bolehlah. Bapa aku sakit jadi aku janji nak bawa dia ke hospital esok pagi. Itu sebab aku kena balik malam ni juga. Oklah. Aku balik dulu. Assalamualaikum," kata Zeila.
"Walaikumusalam. Hati-hati di jalan raya. Jangan jadi speed demon pulak. Kirim salam pada mak dan ayah kau ya," pesan Alin pada Zeila.
Zeila pun menuju ke arah Seremban. Jalan tak adalah sibuk memandangkan ianya sudah pukul lapan malam. Sesampai di Tol Sg Besi, Zeila lihat berderet-deret kereta.
" Apa pulak ni. Dalam aku nak cepat, ada-ada aje," sungut Zeila seorang diri. Kereta tak bergerak selama satu jam dan apabila jalanraya reda, Zeila lihat ada kemalangan maut berlaku.
"Oh! Accident. Patutlah," kata Zeila sambil menjeling kawasan kemalangan. Dia terus memecut laju menuju ke arah Seremban dan pada ketika itu, jam telah menunjukkan pukul 9 malam. Zeila terus memasukki laluan ke Senawang dan apabila keluar dari Senawang menuju ke Kuala Pilah, hujan renyai-renyai mula turun.
Dalam perjalanan menuju ke Kuala Pilah, tiba-tiba Zeila merasa kurang sedap. Di bukanya lagu sekuat hatinya untuk mengurang rasa kurang senang itu. Apabila menghampiri Bukit Putus, Zeila terbau bau yang wangi.
"Oh! Bau apa tu," bisik hati Zeila. Sedang dia memberanikan hatinya untuk melalui Bukit Putus, tiba-tiba kelihat satu kelibat putih lalu di depannya. Zeila terlanggar benda putih itu. Dia tidak berani nak berhenti dan terus memandu.
Apakah kesudahan cerita ini? Jangan lupa sambungan nya
To Be Continued....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My favorite teams and World Cup.

It is England versus Germany at 10pm tonight and I am rooting for the Germans. Not that I don't like England but there are so many England supporters in my office and as someone who likes to do the opposite, I loudly declared my support for the German in front of my office mate and bought German jersey.
Well now the World Cup is in the last 16, I was hoping that at least one of the Asian representative will make it to round of 8. Since Korea already lost to Uruguay, it only left with Japan to carry Asian hope to the next round. Eventhough Korea lost yesterday, they went down with their head held high. They fight until the end and that is the spirit that we look for.
I didn't support USA even though my brother in law and my niece are American. If they met Portugal or Chile, I might support them but unfortunately, they were up against Ghana and as a sole representative of African Nation, I support Ghana. At least we have one from Africa continent in the next round.
Who else do I want to see in the next round? Well, I want the following team to be in the quarterfinals. They are Brazil, Argentina, German, Spain, Holland (since my son is the big fan of Holland), Japan, Ghana and Uruguay.
Let see whether the teams I support will be in the next round. Pray! Pray! Pray so they will move to round of 8.
Well now the World Cup is in the last 16, I was hoping that at least one of the Asian representative will make it to round of 8. Since Korea already lost to Uruguay, it only left with Japan to carry Asian hope to the next round. Eventhough Korea lost yesterday, they went down with their head held high. They fight until the end and that is the spirit that we look for.
I didn't support USA even though my brother in law and my niece are American. If they met Portugal or Chile, I might support them but unfortunately, they were up against Ghana and as a sole representative of African Nation, I support Ghana. At least we have one from Africa continent in the next round.
Who else do I want to see in the next round? Well, I want the following team to be in the quarterfinals. They are Brazil, Argentina, German, Spain, Holland (since my son is the big fan of Holland), Japan, Ghana and Uruguay.
Let see whether the teams I support will be in the next round. Pray! Pray! Pray so they will move to round of 8.
p/s This is the update on last night match. Germany thrashed England 4-1 and advanced to the next round. I was very happy. However the game might ended differently if Frank Lampard's goal was considered in by the match officials. I guess fate is not with England side. Anyway congrats to the young Germans and they will be meeting Argentina in the quarterfinal. Whoever win will be okay with me as both are my favorite teams.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Football, World Cup and Me
I like football. I have been a football fan since I was 15 and I was Manchester United, Liverpool and Notingham Forest fan. There were many great players during that era such as Kenny Dalgish from Liverpool. From supporting the English League, I slowly follow the World Cup. My first World Cup that I followed was in 1982.
I was on semester break with my sister. The world cup was held during Ramadhan time and both of us stayed up late to watch the game before our sahur. There were so many great teams and my favorite teams during that 1982 World cup were Brazil, Germany, Holland and England while my favorite players were Zico, Falcao, Socrates from Brazil, Michel Platini from France, Karl-Heinz Ruminigge from Germany and few others. I can still remembered when Brazil was defeated by Italy, I cried. I cried for few days and until today, I cannot accept Italy eventhough my son likes Italy.
As I grow older my enthusiasm for football decrease and only this year, I feel like wat
ching football again. Maybe most of my office mates are male and they discuss football in front of me. So for this year World Cup, my favorite teams are Brazil, Argentina, Spain, German, England and France. Unfortunately for France, they were knocked out in the first round and thanks to the players attitude.
As part of celebrating the football festival, my department had a birthday party with a football theme. The cake has a football pitch, goal post, players and ball. We were asked to wear our favorite team jersey. So what did I wear? A black German Jersey and it was the envy of everybody because that jersey is pretty with gold and red stripes.
So, do you like football and which team do you support? Share with me.

As I grow older my enthusiasm for football decrease and only this year, I feel like wat

As part of celebrating the football festival, my department had a birthday party with a football theme. The cake has a football pitch, goal post, players and ball. We were asked to wear our favorite team jersey. So what did I wear? A black German Jersey and it was the envy of everybody because that jersey is pretty with gold and red stripes.
So, do you like football and which team do you support? Share with me.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Miserable Miserable Day
It is really a bad day today for me. I woke up at 5am and had my early morning breakfast since I'm fasting today. While enjoying my coffee and toast, I logged on to the internet and what else logged on to Facebook and Twitter.
By 7.45am, I was ready to go to work. I was very happy as I left 45 minutes earlier than usual and I was hoping to reach office before 9am. Five minutes later, I was stuck in the worst jam that I ever experience. I was at the same spot for 15 minutes and what did I do? I read Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts and I was glad that I used the time wisely. After one hour, the traffic eased up and I also managed to finish the book.
I reached office at 10am and somebody from Audit department was already waiting for me. I forgot that I have a meeting with him. We had our discussion and at the end of the discussion I was happy because whatever questions he had, I managed to answer.
Since I'm fasting today, I didn't go out for lunch and used the time to clear up my mail and whatever I have to do. While I was enjoying tweeting with my friends, I received call from my husband that I have summon for my VW Golf. Upon checking online, I was shocked to see that there are 3 summons issued under my name and the total penalty is RM750.00. I felt bad and informed my husband that we need to settle the penalty.
AT 4.30pm, my Surrogate Boss (ooh I have love hate relationship with him), came and asked me to close all the issue on BizKPI. I told him that I'm working on the KPI with my counterpart and he kept on rambling that I need to manage the issue. I told him nobody informed me of any issue and if I know, I would have taken the ownership on it. I just told him that I will take care of it.
So that sum up my day in office today which was really miserable. So how was your day? Want to share with me?
By 7.45am, I was ready to go to work. I was very happy as I left 45 minutes earlier than usual and I was hoping to reach office before 9am. Five minutes later, I was stuck in the worst jam that I ever experience. I was at the same spot for 15 minutes and what did I do? I read Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts and I was glad that I used the time wisely. After one hour, the traffic eased up and I also managed to finish the book.
I reached office at 10am and somebody from Audit department was already waiting for me. I forgot that I have a meeting with him. We had our discussion and at the end of the discussion I was happy because whatever questions he had, I managed to answer.
Since I'm fasting today, I didn't go out for lunch and used the time to clear up my mail and whatever I have to do. While I was enjoying tweeting with my friends, I received call from my husband that I have summon for my VW Golf. Upon checking online, I was shocked to see that there are 3 summons issued under my name and the total penalty is RM750.00. I felt bad and informed my husband that we need to settle the penalty.
AT 4.30pm, my Surrogate Boss (ooh I have love hate relationship with him), came and asked me to close all the issue on BizKPI. I told him that I'm working on the KPI with my counterpart and he kept on rambling that I need to manage the issue. I told him nobody informed me of any issue and if I know, I would have taken the ownership on it. I just told him that I will take care of it.
So that sum up my day in office today which was really miserable. So how was your day? Want to share with me?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Special moment with my little girl
Yesterday was a Father's Day but we do not really celebrate it. I just took the whole family for a dinner to treat my husband for Father's Day. What I'm going to blog today is not about Father's Day but the special day that I have with my little girl.
The special moment was when it was only between me and her. Her brothers went out with their father for haircut and left only two of us at home. So I decided to take her out not for shopping but for a walk around the neighbourhood.
We packed a bottle of water, me with my iphone since I don't know where my ipod is and also with my brand new Shape-up. We went around Impian Indah and then we walked our way to the schools and back to Impian Indah. While walking around the neighbourhood, we chatted and shared our little secret. She shared with me what she wanted to be when she grow up. When we reached the park infront of the house, we stopped and I let her play there for a while.
She really enjoying herself. From swing to see-saw and then to the slide. She also tried the hanging bar. Since she cannot reached the bar, I have to lift her so that she can hanged there. From hanging bar, we moved to the vertical bar before we went home. I can see that she was very happy.
Once we reached home, I showered her and changed her to pyjama. After dinner, we spent time reading before I tucked her in bed. I seldom get this opportunity where only two of us spending our time together as there will always be her brothers following us. To Zara, ibu sayang Zara! Do you have any special moment with you daughter?
The special moment was when it was only between me and her. Her brothers went out with their father for haircut and left only two of us at home. So I decided to take her out not for shopping but for a walk around the neighbourhood.
We packed a bottle of water, me with my iphone since I don't know where my ipod is and also with my brand new Shape-up. We went around Impian Indah and then we walked our way to the schools and back to Impian Indah. While walking around the neighbourhood, we chatted and shared our little secret. She shared with me what she wanted to be when she grow up. When we reached the park infront of the house, we stopped and I let her play there for a while.
She really enjoying herself. From swing to see-saw and then to the slide. She also tried the hanging bar. Since she cannot reached the bar, I have to lift her so that she can hanged there. From hanging bar, we moved to the vertical bar before we went home. I can see that she was very happy.
Once we reached home, I showered her and changed her to pyjama. After dinner, we spent time reading before I tucked her in bed. I seldom get this opportunity where only two of us spending our time together as there will always be her brothers following us. To Zara, ibu sayang Zara! Do you have any special moment with you daughter?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Shape up!

I heard of Shape-up sneakers few months back on twitter but didn't bother to check on it. However few days back, on twitter, someone tweet saying that her butt and thigh and calf mucscle has improved tremendously after using Shape-up sneakers after a few months.
Based on that tweet recommendation, I googled up Shape-up and found out Skechers has Shape up for sneakes and flip-flop. I quickly informed Yati of this product and we decided it is a good buy.
So on Thursday, I was in Menara Maxis for meeting. After meeting, I decided to go and look for Skechers. First, I went to the sport shop next to Kinokuniya and they didn't have Skechers. Then I went to one floor below and none has Skechers. After searching for 20 minutes, I decided to go to Parkson and the first thing that I saw at the sport's corner was Shape up. Wow! my lucky day I said.
So after trying a few models, I bought a gray Shape-up sneaker and a brown tone-up flip-flop. I told the Sales Assistant to pack my old shoes and I wore the new sneaker. Well, I was poorer by RM600.00 but for something good I don't mind.
Did I find anything difference when wearing Shape-up? Definitely! and these are only after 2 days wearing it.
Based on that tweet recommendation, I googled up Shape-up and found out Skechers has Shape up for sneakes and flip-flop. I quickly informed Yati of this product and we decided it is a good buy.
So on Thursday, I was in Menara Maxis for meeting. After meeting, I decided to go and look for Skechers. First, I went to the sport shop next to Kinokuniya and they didn't have Skechers. Then I went to one floor below and none has Skechers. After searching for 20 minutes, I decided to go to Parkson and the first thing that I saw at the sport's corner was Shape up. Wow! my lucky day I said.
So after trying a few models, I bought a gray Shape-up sneaker and a brown tone-up flip-flop. I told the Sales Assistant to pack my old shoes and I wore the new sneaker. Well, I was poorer by RM600.00 but for something good I don't mind.
Did I find anything difference when wearing Shape-up? Definitely! and these are only after 2 days wearing it.
- I normally have backpain when I carry my laptop from the parking lot to my office which is about 7 mins walk. But after wearing Shape up, I don't feel the pain.
- I normally slouch when I walked but with Shape up, I stand straight and this is feedback from my friends
- I felt my muscle at my butt and thigh are little bit sore as if I was doing exercise.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Precious Precious Moment
I took leave today just to spend my time with my parents. Actually my father has an appointment with his doctor for a followup on his thyroid and cancer and since none of my sibling are free to take them, I volunteered.
Since his appointment with doctor is in the morning, I left home at 7.15am and reached Seremban at 8.05am. When I reached there, they were alrady ready to go. My father wheelchair was already outside plus their luggage. They are spending the next three days with my sister in Bangsar. So instead of loading the thing in the car, I had my breakfast first. It has been months since I ate my mom's cooking. Wow, it was lovely and yummy.
So 8.30 we left for Putrajaya but I had problem loading the wheelchair into my car. Tried the boot, it didn't fit and then has to move it to the back seat. First time loading, the wheel on top and handle at the bottom. It didn't look right and I have to reload it again. By the time I got it loaded, I was tired and sweating.
We reached Hospital Putrajaya at 9.30am and by 12pm we left the hospital. Doctor said my father cancer cells are still there but it has not spread to other areas. He needs to go for further treatment and need to see doctor in 3 months time. So from hospital, we went to have lunch in Alamanda. My dad has never been to Alamanda so he kind of excited and since he has problem walking, I have to unload the wheelchair and what an experience it was.
My dad is big and heavy while my mom is small and petite. So I wonder if I let my mom push my dad, it will be very challenging for her. So I took the task of pushing my dad and at one time, I have to push him up to the travelator and I almost fell but luckily I'm big too. So no problem there. I also bought four books at MPH. Three malay books on Islam and one book by Jude Deveraux's Lavender Morning. The last time I read her book was 15 years ago and I kind of excited to read this book.
After lunch, I took them to see my new house in Bangi. We didn't go in but just look from outside as there are people working on the house. At 1pm, we left for Bangsar, to my sister's house. By the time I reached at my sister's place, I was already travelling 140km and was very tired. I dozed off while watching tv and when I woke up, there were fruits and foods prepared by my sister's maid.
I stayed with my parents watching tv until 4.30pm before I left for Kajang. Eventhough I'm tired but I'm very happy because I got to spend my time with my parents. It is not everyday I have this opportunity and I'm not sure when again I will have this moment with my parents. Thank you Allah for giving me this opportunity.
Since his appointment with doctor is in the morning, I left home at 7.15am and reached Seremban at 8.05am. When I reached there, they were alrady ready to go. My father wheelchair was already outside plus their luggage. They are spending the next three days with my sister in Bangsar. So instead of loading the thing in the car, I had my breakfast first. It has been months since I ate my mom's cooking. Wow, it was lovely and yummy.
So 8.30 we left for Putrajaya but I had problem loading the wheelchair into my car. Tried the boot, it didn't fit and then has to move it to the back seat. First time loading, the wheel on top and handle at the bottom. It didn't look right and I have to reload it again. By the time I got it loaded, I was tired and sweating.
We reached Hospital Putrajaya at 9.30am and by 12pm we left the hospital. Doctor said my father cancer cells are still there but it has not spread to other areas. He needs to go for further treatment and need to see doctor in 3 months time. So from hospital, we went to have lunch in Alamanda. My dad has never been to Alamanda so he kind of excited and since he has problem walking, I have to unload the wheelchair and what an experience it was.
My dad is big and heavy while my mom is small and petite. So I wonder if I let my mom push my dad, it will be very challenging for her. So I took the task of pushing my dad and at one time, I have to push him up to the travelator and I almost fell but luckily I'm big too. So no problem there. I also bought four books at MPH. Three malay books on Islam and one book by Jude Deveraux's Lavender Morning. The last time I read her book was 15 years ago and I kind of excited to read this book.
After lunch, I took them to see my new house in Bangi. We didn't go in but just look from outside as there are people working on the house. At 1pm, we left for Bangsar, to my sister's house. By the time I reached at my sister's place, I was already travelling 140km and was very tired. I dozed off while watching tv and when I woke up, there were fruits and foods prepared by my sister's maid.
I stayed with my parents watching tv until 4.30pm before I left for Kajang. Eventhough I'm tired but I'm very happy because I got to spend my time with my parents. It is not everyday I have this opportunity and I'm not sure when again I will have this moment with my parents. Thank you Allah for giving me this opportunity.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Smooth Talking Stranger
Smooth Talking Baby is Lisa Kleypas third contemporary romance book. This book is about Ella Varner who was dumped with a responsibilities to take care of her sister, Tara, baby. The baby was left with Ella's mother, who was very selfish, and demanded that Ella took the baby away from her. Since her mother didn't want the baby and her sister was missing, Ella was left with no choice but to take care of Luke eventhough she knows nothing about babies. Furthermore her boyfriend, Dane, didn't want the baby.
Ella was informed that Jack Travis can be one of the potential father for the baby and since she was determined to help secure for her sister and Luke future, Ella demanded Jack to take paternity test. Jack denied it as he never slept with Tara but he agreed to take the test. Actually, Jack was intrigued by Ella. Before the test can take place, Ella was informed of her sister's whereabout and who sponsored her sister treatment.
Since Dane didn't want the baby, Ella has to look for new place to stay and when Jack heard about this, he offered Ella to stay at his building. Jack helped and supported Ella in her quest to get Tara and Luke financial support. Jack has also been very upfront with Ella and told Ella that he liked and wanted Ella. It was interesting how Jack slowly wins Ella's heart and how Ella changed her mind on marriage. It is also interesting how Ella who never know about babies, fall in love with Luke and how she developed the motherly instinct.
Eventhough, there is some flaw in the book, but I would say that it is still a good book to read and is also hot. So what is the rating for this book? I would rate the book as excellent and and a keeper.
Ella was informed that Jack Travis can be one of the potential father for the baby and since she was determined to help secure for her sister and Luke future, Ella demanded Jack to take paternity test. Jack denied it as he never slept with Tara but he agreed to take the test. Actually, Jack was intrigued by Ella. Before the test can take place, Ella was informed of her sister's whereabout and who sponsored her sister treatment.
Since Dane didn't want the baby, Ella has to look for new place to stay and when Jack heard about this, he offered Ella to stay at his building. Jack helped and supported Ella in her quest to get Tara and Luke financial support. Jack has also been very upfront with Ella and told Ella that he liked and wanted Ella. It was interesting how Jack slowly wins Ella's heart and how Ella changed her mind on marriage. It is also interesting how Ella who never know about babies, fall in love with Luke and how she developed the motherly instinct.
Eventhough, there is some flaw in the book, but I would say that it is still a good book to read and is also hot. So what is the rating for this book? I would rate the book as excellent and and a keeper.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Clothes, Shoes or MacBook? Which one?
I was in Menara Maxis this morning for a meeting and decided to stay for lunch at KLCC since there are more choices compared to Plaza Sentral. We decided to go to Chilli's at KL Suria and when we reached there, the queue is alreay long. Since table is not available, Yati registered her name. We were told it will take 10 to 15 minutes before the table is ready.
Since next to Chillis is Best Denki (electrical shop), Yati and I decided to just have a look at the electrical goods in there. Yati was heading for the TV section as she was looking for the new HD TV while I just walk around. First section I went to is the Notebook section and saw one Sony notebook which was very light but it can't beat MacBook. I touched it, hold it and tested it but it still cannot beat MacBook.
I have been drooling on MacBook for months and not that I cannot afford to buy it. I do but I have one big obstacle that is to convince my husband. He will never understand why I need MacBook. He said that I like to waste on gadgets. Problem is I love all these gadgets. These gadgets are like drugs to me. Some women like clothes, makeup, shoes, handbag and other things that will make them beautiful but for me I'll be happy with my gadgets. Everytime there is new gadgets, I would be the first to read the review and than will go and look for it. I don't know why I have these feeling for gadget but one thing for sure, its give me satisfation and happiness for long period.
What about you? Do you have anything that make you happy and satisfied? Share with me so I can share that with my DS.
Since next to Chillis is Best Denki (electrical shop), Yati and I decided to just have a look at the electrical goods in there. Yati was heading for the TV section as she was looking for the new HD TV while I just walk around. First section I went to is the Notebook section and saw one Sony notebook which was very light but it can't beat MacBook. I touched it, hold it and tested it but it still cannot beat MacBook.
I have been drooling on MacBook for months and not that I cannot afford to buy it. I do but I have one big obstacle that is to convince my husband. He will never understand why I need MacBook. He said that I like to waste on gadgets. Problem is I love all these gadgets. These gadgets are like drugs to me. Some women like clothes, makeup, shoes, handbag and other things that will make them beautiful but for me I'll be happy with my gadgets. Everytime there is new gadgets, I would be the first to read the review and than will go and look for it. I don't know why I have these feeling for gadget but one thing for sure, its give me satisfation and happiness for long period.
What about you? Do you have anything that make you happy and satisfied? Share with me so I can share that with my DS.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I don't think I'm ready to stay at home
This is the second day I'm at home. The kids are on two weeks school holiday and I'm only taken two days this week and I day next week. We didn't go anywhere this time as I think I want to spend more time at home with them.So yesterday was the first day that I have to be like all the home-stayed mom where they chauffered their children to and fro from school, groceries, cooking, cleaning and lot more.
My morning started at 7am since I don't have to get the breakfast ready for the kids but there is still one big kid that need breakfast. So reluctantly I got up from the bed. So off the big kid to work at 7.50am and as I was enjoying my time infornt of my laptop, my eldest son told me he has tuition at 9am and need to pick up his friend first. So I rushed to clean the dining table, get the youngest two changed their pajamas and off we went at 8.45am to his friend house. By the time we reached the tuition place, it was already 9.10am. Since the place is not far from Giant, I decided to treat the other three kids for breakfast at Restaurant IBM.
After breakfast, we did some grocery at Giant and mainly the items were for me, and by the time we finished groceries it was 10.30am. When I reached home I remembered that my laundry was still in the washing machine and it was waiting for me to hang it to dry. After laundry, the next task was to bathe my girl and son and followed by preparing lunch. I was so engrossed with the house work that when I looked at the clock, it was showing 5min to 12pm and I have to pick up my son. So another rush to pick him up.
By the time we finished our lunch, cleaned it up, I'm already tired and wonder how the home stayed mom has the energy to do all this. It seems working in office is much more relaxed than being a fulltime housewife and mom.
Since there is nothing much to do in the afternoon, I thought of taking a nap but the noises from the kids playing is enough to drive me crazy. Instead I locked myself in the room and happily spent my time reading "Smooth Talking Stranger" By Lisa Kleypas and enjoyed it so much. At 4.30pm, went down to prepare for tea as normally my kids will have something during tea time. By the time my husband got back from work, I told him to order something for dinner. Luckily he was okay and we had Pizza for dinner. After dinner, I sat down with the kids to do their homework and by 10pm, I felt exhausted already.
I really salute those fulltime housewives and mom. Now I know how my mom felt when she took care the seven of us. After yesterday, will I want to be fulltime housewife and mom? I don't mind if I have maid to help me. Yeah talking about maid, mine is coming soon. Yes!
My morning started at 7am since I don't have to get the breakfast ready for the kids but there is still one big kid that need breakfast. So reluctantly I got up from the bed. So off the big kid to work at 7.50am and as I was enjoying my time infornt of my laptop, my eldest son told me he has tuition at 9am and need to pick up his friend first. So I rushed to clean the dining table, get the youngest two changed their pajamas and off we went at 8.45am to his friend house. By the time we reached the tuition place, it was already 9.10am. Since the place is not far from Giant, I decided to treat the other three kids for breakfast at Restaurant IBM.
After breakfast, we did some grocery at Giant and mainly the items were for me, and by the time we finished groceries it was 10.30am. When I reached home I remembered that my laundry was still in the washing machine and it was waiting for me to hang it to dry. After laundry, the next task was to bathe my girl and son and followed by preparing lunch. I was so engrossed with the house work that when I looked at the clock, it was showing 5min to 12pm and I have to pick up my son. So another rush to pick him up.
By the time we finished our lunch, cleaned it up, I'm already tired and wonder how the home stayed mom has the energy to do all this. It seems working in office is much more relaxed than being a fulltime housewife and mom.
Since there is nothing much to do in the afternoon, I thought of taking a nap but the noises from the kids playing is enough to drive me crazy. Instead I locked myself in the room and happily spent my time reading "Smooth Talking Stranger" By Lisa Kleypas and enjoyed it so much. At 4.30pm, went down to prepare for tea as normally my kids will have something during tea time. By the time my husband got back from work, I told him to order something for dinner. Luckily he was okay and we had Pizza for dinner. After dinner, I sat down with the kids to do their homework and by 10pm, I felt exhausted already.
I really salute those fulltime housewives and mom. Now I know how my mom felt when she took care the seven of us. After yesterday, will I want to be fulltime housewife and mom? I don't mind if I have maid to help me. Yeah talking about maid, mine is coming soon. Yes!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Ramadhan - my challenges and readiness.
Ramadhan is coming soon in August. It means a full month of fasting for us, Muslim before we celebrate the Eid Mubarak. What is so special about the month of Ramadhan. This is the month where we have to fast from sunrise to sunset and no food, water, sex are allow during that period. You are also required to restrain yourself from talking bad about people, looking or watching pornographic materials or anything resembles to it or reading any material that can arouse you. Whoa the last one will be tough for me where I have to cut down on my romance novel.
Well, before beginning of every Ramadhan, you are expected to replace whatever number of days that you missed in the previous year. Oh boy! I have 14 days to replace for last year and in total I have 30 days to replace because I didn't finish replacing it before. So I have to pay double for the 16 days that I owed and since August is not far away, I better start this week.
This year fasting will be also special for my family. My 4 years old girl and 6 years old son will join us for fasting this time. I don't expect them to fast the whole day but as a beginner, they can start fasting for a quarter of a day, half day, three-quarter a day and finally full day. I have to give incentive to them in term of monetary otherwise, they will not want to do it.
I also hope this year, I can go for the Terawih prayer since my children are already big and will not disturb me during the prayer. I have missed praying at the mosque and most of the time, I will pray on my own. This year I also hope that I can reach home on time to cook for the family for the breaking of fast. I hope I will get my maid by then and she can help to prepare the ingredient.
So what do we get at the end of Ramadhan? We celebrate Eid Mubarak. It is a big feast and mostly everybody will go back to their parents house to celebrate. It is also the time we seek forgiveness from each other.For me, we will celebrate the morning at our house first before we go back to my parents home in Seremban. We will go to the mosque first for the Eid prayer and after the prayer, I will lead my children to seek forgiveness from my husband and then the children will ask forgiveness from us. So it kind of tradition where the young will ask forgiveness from the elder.
On the first day of Eid, my parents house will be full with all seven of us and it is always fun. It is also the time where we catch up with everybody and the children will be the happiest person as they will received money from their grandparents, parents,uncles, aunties and cousins. If the childern is the happiest, then the women folks are the most tired person as they have to clean and cook during the Eid. So are you ready for Ramadhan and Eid Mubarak?
Well, before beginning of every Ramadhan, you are expected to replace whatever number of days that you missed in the previous year. Oh boy! I have 14 days to replace for last year and in total I have 30 days to replace because I didn't finish replacing it before. So I have to pay double for the 16 days that I owed and since August is not far away, I better start this week.
This year fasting will be also special for my family. My 4 years old girl and 6 years old son will join us for fasting this time. I don't expect them to fast the whole day but as a beginner, they can start fasting for a quarter of a day, half day, three-quarter a day and finally full day. I have to give incentive to them in term of monetary otherwise, they will not want to do it.
I also hope this year, I can go for the Terawih prayer since my children are already big and will not disturb me during the prayer. I have missed praying at the mosque and most of the time, I will pray on my own. This year I also hope that I can reach home on time to cook for the family for the breaking of fast. I hope I will get my maid by then and she can help to prepare the ingredient.
So what do we get at the end of Ramadhan? We celebrate Eid Mubarak. It is a big feast and mostly everybody will go back to their parents house to celebrate. It is also the time we seek forgiveness from each other.For me, we will celebrate the morning at our house first before we go back to my parents home in Seremban. We will go to the mosque first for the Eid prayer and after the prayer, I will lead my children to seek forgiveness from my husband and then the children will ask forgiveness from us. So it kind of tradition where the young will ask forgiveness from the elder.
On the first day of Eid, my parents house will be full with all seven of us and it is always fun. It is also the time where we catch up with everybody and the children will be the happiest person as they will received money from their grandparents, parents,uncles, aunties and cousins. If the childern is the happiest, then the women folks are the most tired person as they have to clean and cook during the Eid. So are you ready for Ramadhan and Eid Mubarak?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
How do you find that book? Hot? Funny?
I'm not used to be like before when I can finished three to four books in a week.It will be lucky if I can finish one book in a week nowadays. What's causes the change. I guess it is due to I spend most of my time reading contract material in the office, facebook and twitter. Now instead of reading, I spent my time twitting and facebooking but I'm not complaining.
So how many books did I managed to read this week? I can say that I finished two books. One contemporary and one historical. I started reading Nothing But Trouble By Rachel Gibson on Sunday and finished reading it in on Monday. The book as it is about a famous ice hockey player who is facing the end of his career after he met with an accident. It was funny how he tries to chase away the caretaker that his team hired for him. In this case, she is not a normal nurses but a Personal Assistant who aspiration is to be an actress. I would say that this is a romantic comedy book and the pace is fast. Furthermore I like jocks stories. If I have to rate the book, I will rate it as slightly above average and this is purely my personal opinion and not influence by anybody.
The second book that I have completed reading this week is One Week As a Lover by Victoria Dahl. It took me four days to finish this book. It is a historical romance book and the heroin in this book is not a virgin which is not norm for a historical romance. The book is about a man, who was engaged to a wealthy man daughter and he caught his fiancee with another man a few weeks before his wedding. So instead of staying in London, he went back to the countryside to visit his old friend's family. He was informed that she has died killing herself after the stepfather forced her to marry a man that she didn't like. When he found out that the girl was not dead, he promised not to send the girl back to her parent house and help the girl to look for the treasure. That's where the adventure start. Both the hero and heroin are facing the same demon. He was abused by the the villain when he was young whereas the girl was on the run from the villain as he is known as cruel person. Oh this book is one hot book and lots of hot scenes. Overall I rate this book as average.
The next book, which I only started this morning is Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas and I will provide my rating next Saturday. So Tunggu!!!!.
So how many books did I managed to read this week? I can say that I finished two books. One contemporary and one historical. I started reading Nothing But Trouble By Rachel Gibson on Sunday and finished reading it in on Monday. The book as it is about a famous ice hockey player who is facing the end of his career after he met with an accident. It was funny how he tries to chase away the caretaker that his team hired for him. In this case, she is not a normal nurses but a Personal Assistant who aspiration is to be an actress. I would say that this is a romantic comedy book and the pace is fast. Furthermore I like jocks stories. If I have to rate the book, I will rate it as slightly above average and this is purely my personal opinion and not influence by anybody.
The second book that I have completed reading this week is One Week As a Lover by Victoria Dahl. It took me four days to finish this book. It is a historical romance book and the heroin in this book is not a virgin which is not norm for a historical romance. The book is about a man, who was engaged to a wealthy man daughter and he caught his fiancee with another man a few weeks before his wedding. So instead of staying in London, he went back to the countryside to visit his old friend's family. He was informed that she has died killing herself after the stepfather forced her to marry a man that she didn't like. When he found out that the girl was not dead, he promised not to send the girl back to her parent house and help the girl to look for the treasure. That's where the adventure start. Both the hero and heroin are facing the same demon. He was abused by the the villain when he was young whereas the girl was on the run from the villain as he is known as cruel person. Oh this book is one hot book and lots of hot scenes. Overall I rate this book as average.
The next book, which I only started this morning is Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas and I will provide my rating next Saturday. So Tunggu!!!!.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Now I know you better!

Today, I attended the ISD teambuilding after missing it yesterday. I missed it yesterday because I was feeling dizzy and nausea the whole day. I'm not sure what happened but doctor diagnosed it as due to gas but I know better than that because I don't feel it that way. What happened was that on Wednesday night, I took 2 pills of pain killer and not used to it, I was totally knocked off and zonked out the whole day yesterday. The dizzy and nausea feeling was still there today until 3pm.
Since the program was done in Marriot Putrajaya, the trip is expected to be only 15min but due to heavy rain this morning and my dizziness, I missed the exit and it took me 30mins to reach Marriot Putrajaya. When I reached there, the parking was almost full and I was asked to park in the next building but luckily there was a connecting passageway to the hotel.
Upon reaching the hotel, I went to the Terrace Cafe and joined the team for breakfast. It was touching to see so many people asked me how I feel today and some of them asked me to lie in the room instead of joining the session. CIO also asked me the same question.
Since I missed yesterday session, I have to join the table that has less team members and guess which table have empty seats. The CIO table but I sat accross her and not next to her. I was told that the previous night was very interesting where everyone need to listed out about his/her character and behavior and listen to others feedback about you. So it kind of making everyone know each other better.
The second day session started with video clip on "Who moved my cheese". I have read the book few years back but never really get the chance to discuss it. So this session allows us to discuss on issue at work and how we want to move forward. During discussion, a lot of analogies were used to relate the issues but nothing much can be done as it requires some bold decision from top management on how we want to resolve the issues. Also when the video was shown, it reminds me about Victoria Dahl's mouse which was sick but according to her, the mouse is getting better.
Before lunch, we were asked to identify the level of our interaction with all the departments and we have to identify the positive and negative attribute of each department. After lunch, being away yesterday and most senior team member, I was bullied to present our department points. As usual, every group find out they need to interact with us more because of contract issues and budget. One of the negative points that all departement listed was NO DEPARTMENT HEAD. It is a smack not to us but to CIO as this has been vacant for 14 months and still not fill up.
At the end of the session, we need to work on the improvement plans that we can execute and most of the plans that we need to work are on processes and its turnaround time. But then we may be able to provide the processes but our Partner needs to agree on it. Let see whether this can be deliver.
Overall it is a good session for 30 of us to be away from office and enjoy this session. ISD has been known to be a close knit family and these two days really show us how we trust each other and help each other whether it is work related or personal. Since ISD stands for Integrated Strong Dynamic, we really live to our motto. Yes, ISD!
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